Letter Matching Activities
I use these matching activities to initially introduce my preschooler to the alphabet as well as to teach them their letter sounds. After my preschooler has mastered her letters and sounds we pull these out for a quick fun review!
*All of these activities utilize the Watercolor Alphabet Cards that my daughter made. You can use a different letter manipulative if you’d like or check out this blog to see how to make your own set of these awesome letter cards—–> Watercolor Letter Recognition
Teaching Tips
Repetitive interaction with the alphabet is key to success in teaching your preschooler their letters and the sounds associated.
It’s also very important that you keep a positive attitude and make learning for your child(ren) fun!
Each of these activities are slightly hands-on. I believe for the early years of learning parents should be helping and encouraging their children during learning activities. At least for the first several times until the activity becomes more of a review tool.
Here is what your involvement could look like: sitting by your child as they work through these activities saying things along the lines of ” Wow! What letter is that?! Hmm, that’s the letter C! C says /K/ as in Cat /K/ /K/ /K/. C says /K/!”
I have found these early years to being fundamental to fostering a love of learning in my kids. Most young children aged 2-6 are usually thrilled to learn new things, conduct new activities, and spend extra time engaging with their parents. Kids love to have achievable goals set for them and they love to be celebrated when they meet those goals. All of this makes teaching pretty easy and painless!
If you have a learner that gets frustrated easily, it might be worth it to have a brief conversation before you begin. You should encourage your child to just do their best and remind them that it’s okay if they don’t know the answers, that’s why we’re learning together!
#1 Bean-Pull Match
Simple but effective

Step 1 – Gather your supplies
What you’ll need:
- Watercolor letter cards made by your child (check here for instructions) OR use another alphabet manipulative.
- Marker
- Dried Beans (or something similar)
- Container to hold beans
- Tongs or large tweezers (you can use kitchen tongs!)
- Large paper to write alphabet on
Step 2 – Assemble the activity

Write the letters of the alphabet on the large sheet of paper, remember to write neatly and use a font that’s easy for your child to read and learn.
Place beans in a container and place watercolor cards inside the beans sticking up a bit so your preschooler can grab them easily with their tongs. (My daughter loved the tongs but eventually wanted to just use her hands, which is totally fine!)
Step 3 – Play!
Time to play!

Allow your child to pick letters out of the beans using their tongs, (if this is too difficult they can just use their fingers), and simply lay them on top of the matching letter on the paper.
Remember to be positive and encouraging while you help them with this activity.
#2 Magnet Match

This activity does require you to have some form of magnet letters. I highly recommend this magnet letter set. Although, any magnetic letter set will work!
Step 1 – Gather your supplies

What you’ll need:
- Watercolor letter cards made by your child (check here for instructions) OR use another alphabet manipulative.
- Magnet letters
- Magnetic surface (cookie sheet, white board, refrigerator, etc.)
Step 2 – Play! No assembly required!

Place all the supplies in front of your child and explain that they are going to “pin” the letter cards to the board using the matching magnet letter.
You can totally demonstrate this if needed. My kids love they mystery behind the magnets and once they have all the letters hung up they gain a sense of accomplishment and pride.
Again, keep a positive attitude and really drill in the name/sound of each letter as they work through the alphabet!
#3 Sticky Note Match

Quick and easy explains this activity.
Step 1 – Gather supplies
What you’ll need:
- Watercolor letter cards made by your child (check here for instructions) OR use another alphabet manipulative.
- Sticky Notes
- Marker
Step 2 – Assemble the activity

Simply write a letter of the alphabet on each sticky note.
*remember to write neatly and in a font that will be easiest for your child to read! It’s best to write in the same font as you did for the watercolor letter cards.
Step 3 – Play!

Your child will simply go through the sticky notes and find the matching letter card. Have the child stick the sticky note over the top of the card.
Easy peasy and simple, yet my kids still totally loved this activity.
#4 Box Slot Match
Simple and quick!

Step 1 – Gather supplies
What you’ll need:
- Watercolor letter cards made by your child (check here for instructions) OR use another alphabet manipulative.
- Cardboard box (I used an old box from some window blinds we purchased)
- Box cutter
- Marker
Step 2 – Assemble the activity

Using the box cutter, cut slits in the box large enough for the alphabet cards to slide into. Using the marker write the letters of the alphabet by each slot.
*remember to write neatly and in a font that will be easiest for your child to read! It’s best to write in the same font as you did for the watercolor letter cards.
Step 3 – Play!

Your child will have so much fun inserting the letter card into the coordinating hole!
Letter Matching Activities!

These activities can be used over and over until the child is confident in their letter recognition skills!
My kiddos love all of these activities and once they are assembled you can pull them out quickly when needed.
I’ve used these activities to teach 3 (so far) of my children their letters and sounds! Now, they have a true love of learning and they get excited to learn new things!

Also check out how to make this awesome letter banner for these watercolor letter cards HERE!
I hope some of the activities listed above will be a hit with your kiddos! Do you have some letter matching activities that your child likes to do often? Leave a comment below, I’d love to know!